'Celtic Fields' – Archaeology's stepchildren
Traces of prehistoric farming in Western, Central, Eastern and Northern Europe: maps
Celtic Fields in Denmark and Schleswig-Holstein after LIDAR data (without dubious records). Please click into areas of the map to get detail maps!

Or, click on subareas indicated in the list below to access georeferenced maps and further to specific Celtic Fields graphics:

SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN (still only in German): Nordfriesland/Sylt/Amrum/Schleswigsche GeestAngeln/SchwansenDithmarschen Mittelholstein/KielOstholstein Südholstein
DENMARK (islands still without texts): South Jutland/Als (UTM-32U, Northing up to 6170000) – West Jutland (Easting from 500000, Northing 6170000-6280000) – East Jutland-South (Easting from 50000, Northing 6170000-6230000) – East Jutland-North (Easting from 50000, Northing 6230000-6280000) – North Jutland (Northing from 6280000) – Fyn/LangelandLolland/Falster/MønSouth Sealand (Northing up to 6160000) – North-Sealand from 6160000) – Bornholm

New: Nothrhine-Westphalia New: Poland New: Bavaria New: Hesse New: Netherlands/Flanders New: Brandenburg New: Saxonia-Anhalt New, still without texts: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

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